Saturday, May 28, 2016

Landon's Star Wars Party

In a galaxy far far away...
Landon asked for a Stars Wars party for his 7th birthday. 
 Honestly, his Mom had never been a Star Wars fan, and doesn't think she had ever watched one all the way through.  
But all that changed when she had boys.
A couple of years ago, Landon and Easton watched the first movie from the 70s Star Wars series
(she is sure there is a more technical 
name for it, but has no idea what that would be:)
Easton and Landon have been obsessed with Star Wars ever since...

Here are the invites
(Some got passed out and some didn't because the date got changed last minute)

Jedi training maze

Everyone drew their favorite Star War's character while waiting for all the guests to arrive.

Once everyone came, we had a jedi robe ceremony, 
where we gave all of the future jedi, and jedi princesses their robes and Leia buns(fabric wrapped into a bun and glued onto a headband) 
and told them how they could train to be jedi's.

Their mission was to go through the (dark)jedi training maze and each of them had to find a mini light saber(a glow stick).  
If they could accomplish this, they could earn a real light saber and become a real jedi.  
We told them to help their friends find one once they found one for themselves, because jedi's help each other:)

They were ready to go!
Each of them found a mini light saber.
They did great helping each other complete the task

We gathered them all into the living room and had a jedi "knighting" ceremony 
where they all received a real light saber and became jedi and jedi princesses.  
I also told them that because they did so well not only completing the task, but helping their fellow jedi's, 
they earned donut cake.
However when I looked on the table where I had placed the cake earlier, 
I was SHOCKED to see that it had gone missing...
I realized that this had to be the work of none other than
Darth Vader!
After a few loud reminders exclamations from me that this had to be the case, a very tall, dark, and handsome Darth Vader FINALLY appeared on the scene and told the kids that they would need to use the skills they learned in jedi training to get him to surrender the cake.  
They happily obliged and,
a light saber fight ensued...

Thankfully for all involved, 
especially a very good sported Darth, 
the battle was swift, and ended in the dark side surrendering our precious doughnut cake.

It was enjoyed by jedi's and children alike.

And it happened to give these jedi's the burst of sugar they needed to keep on fighting.

We took a break to open presents before anyone lost an eye.

And then all the little jedi's went home hyper and lived happily ever after(or something Stars Warsish:)

On Landon's actual birthday we celebrated as a family with his favorite meal and a different kind of doughnut cake.  
Landon is pleasant, kind, calm and caring.  He is obedient and loves to learn!  I am so grateful that he is our oldest and a part of our family.  He sets a great example for his siblings and is a wonderful big brother.  
I love being his Mother.
Happy birthday Landon!

1 comment:

  1. This is maybe the greatest thing ever.I was Landon's age when I first saw Star Wars. (Episode 4:A New Hope is the more technical name, now, but back then there was only one, and we called it Star Wars.) We were just as obsessed, but our moms never thought to go to these lengths to make our Star Wars dreams come true...

